Total Clients Who Received Services in 2021
Annual Cost Savings to Utah’s Court System
Unmet Annual Legal Needs We Are Seeking to Address
Social Return on $1 Investment
Law Firms Who Gave to the 2021 Campaign
“AND JUSTICE FOR ALL” addresses the needs of disadvantaged Utahns by providing civil legal aid in cases that impact basic needs – safety, housing, income, health insurance, family and access to services. Every year this collaborative effort helps approximately 30,000 Utahns obtain legal assistance in the following areas:
Protecting Children & Families from Abuse
Securing the immediate and long-term safety of families by obtaining protective orders and civil stalking injunctions through the courts.
Family Law
Stabilizing low-income families in crisis through assistance with domestic cases including divorce, custody, child support and visitation.
Disability Issues
Enforcing the laws that protect the rights of people with disabilities in education, abuse and neglect, accessibility, discrimination and access to service cases.
Protecting Vulnerable Adults & Children
Representing vulnerable citizens including low-income seniors over 60 years of age with guardianship defense, medical benefits, housing, and consumer matters.
Preserving Income & Health Care
Helping vulnerable individuals obtain and maintain primary sources of income and health care like Medicaid, Social Security and SSI.
Promoting Independence
Assisting people with education and employment matters, including access to vocational rehabilitation services.
Meeting Basic Needs
Securing and protecting access to housing, food and utility assistance.
Marginalized Group Issues
Issues facing Native Americans, migrant workers and other marginalized groups